Question: When to outsource accounting?

Answer: Outsource your accounting if:

  1. It would help if you had more time or expertise to handle finances.
  2. Your growing business needs more financial support.
  3. Your finances are complex and need specialized help.
  4. It’s more cost-effective than hiring an accountant.
  5. You want to stay compliant with tax laws.

Let professionals manage your accounting so you can focus on growing your business!

Question: What are the benefits of offshore accounting?

Answer: Offshore accounting offers key benefits like:

  1. Cost Savings: Save money with lower Labor costs.
  2. Expert Access: Tap into specialized accounting skills.
  3. Scalability: Adjust your team size as needed.
  4. Focus: Free up time to grow your business.
  5. 24/7 Service: Benefit from round-the-clock support.

Get cost-effective, expert help to focus on what matters most: your business!

Question: What is the difference between offshoring and outsourcing accounting? 

Answer: Offshoring involves hiring accounting teams in other countries to benefit from lower costs and access global talent.

Outsourcing means hiring external firms or professionals, either locally or globally, to handle accounting tasks.

Both options save you time and money, with offshoring typically focusing on cost savings through global teams, while outsourcing includes local or international options.

Question: When is the right time to outsource accounting services to an offshore accounting firm?

Answer: You can outsource your accounting at any stage, but the best times include:

  1. When your business is growing.
  2. During busy periods with many clients but few employees.
  3. When you’re launching a startup.

Outsourcing can help you focus on what matters most!

Question: Is it possible to get a free trial that how your team works?

Answer: Yes, Pro Accountants often offer a free trial or consultation so you can understand how our team works and see if we are the right fit for your business. It allows you to experience our services and evaluate our effectiveness before committing.

Question: Can I hire a part time bookkeeper?

Answer: The Pro Accountants offers experienced bookkeepers to fit your needs. Whether you need help full-time, part-time, or by the hour, we’ve got you covered!

Question: I’m behind on my bookkeeping and taxes. Can you get me caught up?

Answer: Absolutely! Pro Accountants offers flexible catch-up bookkeeping with their plans. We’ll help you quickly catch up even if you’re years behind.

Question: How does bookkeeping help my business?

Answer: Keeping your books in order is like having a financial GPS for your business. It shows you where your money comes from and where it’s going. Up-to-date books clearly show your business’s health, helping you make smarter financial decisions. Accurate books make tax time easier, ensuring you get all your deductions and avoiding last-minute stress.

Question: Does Pro Accountants provide invoicing, bill payment, payroll, or inventory management?

Answer: Pro Accountants offers comprehensive financial services, including invoicing, bill payment, payroll, and inventory management. We provide all the support you need to keep your business running smoothly, allowing you to focus on growth and success.

Question: What’s the difference between bookkeeping and accounting?

Answer: The primary difference between bookkeeping and accounting lies in the scope and purpose of the work:

  1. Bookkeeping focuses on recording and organizing financial transactions. Bookkeepers manage day-to-day financial data like sales, expenses, receipts, and payments. They ensure accurate and up-to-date records, the foundation for accounting activities.
  2. Accounting involves analysing, interpreting, and summarizing financial data. Accountants use the information recorded by bookkeepers to produce financial statements, provide insights into business performance, handle tax preparation, and offer financial advice to guide decision-making.

In essence, bookkeeping maintains the records, while accounting interprets and provides insights based on those records.

Question: How long does it take to get my historical bookkeeping caught up?

Answer: Catching up on your historical bookkeeping can take a few days to weeks, depending on the volume of transactions, the state of your records, and the period. At Pro Accountants, our experts use efficient tools to quickly get you up to speed so you can focus on growing your business.

Question: I’m behind on my books. Can you get me caught up?

Answer: Absolutely! Our team at Pro Accountants specializes in helping businesses get their books up to date quickly and accurately. We’ll review your records, organize everything, and ensure you’re back on track quickly.

Question: How long does it take to do my bookkeeping each month? When can I expect it to be completed?

Answer: Your monthly bookkeeping usually takes a few hours to a couple of days, depending on your business. With Pro Accountants, you can expect prompt and accurate service, typically finishing your books within a week once we have everything we need.

Question: What does my bookkeeper do?

Answer: The bookkeeper at Pro Accountants handles essential financial tasks, including:

They ensure your financial data is accurate and up to date, providing a solid foundation for economic decision-making and simplifying your accounting processes.

Question: How does bookkeeping help my business?

Answer: Bookkeeping helps your business by:

  1. Giving Clarity: You can see where your money comes from and where it’s going.
  2. Better Decisions: Helps you make intelligent decisions with precise financial info.
  3. Tax Time Made Easy: Accurate books mean smooth tax filing without surprises.
  4. Saving Time: Organized finances make everything easier to handle.
  5. Tracking Progress: See how your business is doing and spot trends early.

Good bookkeeping helps keep your business on track and growing!

Question: What software do you use to complete my bookkeeping?

Answer: At Pro Accountants, we utilize top-tier accounting software that best suits your business’s needs, like QuickBooks, Xero, Zoho Books, Excel, and more. These tools enable efficient and accurate bookkeeping while providing insightful financial reports and seamless integration with other business tools.

Question: How do you receive my documents? Do I need to give you, my receipts?

Answer: You can share your documents with Pro Accountants through secure online platforms, email, or a dedicated client portal, depending on what works best for you. Providing receipts is helpful, but we can guide you on what to share based on your business’s specific bookkeeping needs.

Question: How much do small businesses pay in taxes?

Answer: Small businesses pay an average federal tax rate of about 19.8%. Here are the average rates for different business types:

While S corporations seem to have a higher tax rate, they often pay less than sole proprietorships or partnerships with similar income due to higher profitability.

Question: Do I need to file business taxes if I have no income?

Answer: Most of the time, you’ll still have to file business taxes even if you didn’t make any income. If your business isn’t active and you don’t plan to restart it, think about officially closing it down to avoid extra hassles.

Question: What happens if I don’t file business taxes?

Answer: If you don’t file your business taxes, you could face several consequences:

  1. Penalties and Fines: The IRS or local tax authority may charge you penalties and fines for late or unfiled taxes.
  2. Interest Charges: Interest can accrue on unpaid taxes, increasing total debt.
  3. Legal Action: Ignoring tax obligations, including liens or asset seizure, can lead to legal actions.
  4. Loss of Benefits: You must have tax filings to ensure you are eligible for certain credits or benefits.
  5. Damaged Reputation: Non-compliance can hurt your business’s reputation and credibility.

It’s best to file your taxes on time or contact a tax professional for help if you need assistance.

Question: How do I file taxes for my small business?

Answer: Filing taxes for your small business is easier than you think! Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Know Your Business Type: Your tax obligations depend on whether you’re a sole proprietor, an LLC, or a corporation.
  2. Get Organized: Gather your income statements, receipts, and other financial documents.
  3. Pick the Right Forms: Use the correct forms based on your business type. For example, sole proprietors use Schedule C.
  4. Please fill out and file the forms. Complete them and submit them before the deadline to avoid penalties.

Need help? Let Pro Accountants guide you through the process to make filing taxes a breeze!

Question: Do small businesses need a bookkeeper?

Answer: Yes, a bookkeeper can be a big help for small businesses! They keep your financial records accurate, save you time, and make tax filing easier. If you want to take your bookkeeping off your plate, let Pro Accountants handle it for you!

Question: How do I pay myself as a business owner?

Answer: There are a few ways you can pay yourself as a business owner, depending on your business structure:

  1. Sole Proprietorship or Single-Member LLC: You can take an owner’s draw, transferring funds from the business account to your personal account.
  2. Partnership: Each partner typically takes a share of the profits through draws based on their ownership percentage.
  3. S Corporation: You must pay yourself a reasonable salary, with taxes withheld, and you may also take additional distributions from profits.
  4. C Corporation: As an employee, you receive a salary and may also receive dividends from profits.

For personalized advice on the best way to pay yourself, consider consulting with Pro Accountants.

Question: Do I need payroll for contractors?

Answer: For contractors, you generally don’t need to run traditional payroll because they’re not considered employees. Instead, you’ll pay them based on invoices they provide for their work. However, you still need to maintain records of these payments for tax purposes.

If a contractor is paid more than $600 in a year, you’ll need to issue a Form 1099-NEC for tax reporting. Pro Accountants can help ensure that all payments and tax forms are handled correctly.

Question: How do I handle payroll taxes for employees working out of state?

Answer: To handle payroll taxes for employees working in a different state, follow these steps:

  1. Register Your Business: Sign up with the tax authorities in the state where your employee works.
  2. Learn the Rules: Find out what taxes need to be withheld in that state, like state income tax and unemployment insurance.
  3. Withhold the Taxes: Deduct the right amount of state and local taxes from the employee’s paycheck.
  4. Pay the Taxes: Make sure to send the withheld taxes to the state authorities on time.
  5. Keep Updated: Check regularly for any changes in the state tax laws.

Need help? Pro Accountants can assist you in staying compliant with out-of-state payroll taxes.

Question: How much do payroll services cost for small businesses?

Answer: Pro Accountants offers a high-value payroll service at a competitive price. Our service costs $979 per year, and there’s a $200 setup fee, which we waive if you’re already registered with your state. Every time we run payroll; our accountants handle your payroll taxes at no extra charge.

Question: Can you provide fixed priced outsourcing accounts receivable or accounts payable solutions for my company?

Answer: Yes, we offer fixed-priced AR/AP services. Share the details of your work, and we’ll assess the scope to provide you with a fixed price quote.

Question: I only need data entry with Payables and Receivables, I do my own reconciliations, does that work for you?

Answer: Absolutely! We have skilled data entry specialists ready to help with your data entry needs. Hire them today and streamline your workflow!

Question: At what interval you can provide AR/AP Report?

Answer: We offer flexible services to fit your needs, whether you prefer weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, or yearly support. Choose what works best for you!

Question: What process flow do you follow for manufacturing business?

Answer: In our manufacturing inventory process, here’s how we handle it:

  1. Purchase orders are issued to ensure we get the best materials.
  2. We promptly receive the materials to keep production moving.
  3. The production team prepares the job card and BOM to outline the work ahead.
  4. The production team requests stock from the store department to ensure everything’s in order.
  5. The store department issues the materials to the production team.
  6. The team produces the finished goods, crafting them to perfection.
  7. Quality testing is conducted to ensure top-notch products.
  8. Finally, the goods are ready for sale and to delight our customers.

Question: Do you have experience in ecommerce inventory management?

Answer: Yes, our team knows ecommerce inventory management well. We can help you pick the best software, considering its ease of use and how well it integrates with your accounting and other tools.

Question: How frequently do you complete the bank reconciliation process?

Answer: Cross-checking your bank statements and balance sheet once a month ensures errors are spotted early. For high-volume businesses, more frequent checks will keep things smooth.

Question: What’s the benefit of hiring a remote QuickBooks accountant?

Answer:  Hiring a QuickBooks expert can greatly benefit your business. With their expertise, they can streamline your accounting process, optimize inventory management, and ensure you get the most out of QuickBooks, making your business operations smoother and more efficient.

Question: Do I need an Accountant if I use Xero?

Answer: Absolutely, using Xero is great, but having an accountant ensures everything is accurate and issues are resolved promptly. An accountant adds the personal touch and expertise that no software alone can provide, giving you confidence and peace of mind.

Question: What are the responsibilities of a cost accountant?

Answer: A cost accountant’s duties include maintaining accurate cost records, assisting in budget development, and devising cost-effective strategies to enhance your business’s financial health. Their expertise ensures you have clear insights into your costs, supporting better decision-making and profitability.

Question: What are the benefits of operational analysis?

Answer: The operational analysis provides several benefits:

  1. Efficiency Improvement: Identifies areas where processes can be streamlined to save time and resources.
  2. Cost Reduction: Helps uncover cost-saving opportunities in your operations.
  3. Enhanced Productivity: Reveals ways to boost productivity by optimizing workflows.
  4. Better Decision Making: Provides data-driven insights for strategic planning.
  5. Risk Mitigation: Highlights potential risks, enabling proactive management.

In short, operational analysis helps you run your business more intelligently and profitably.

Question: What is the difference between a fractional CFO and a virtual CFO?

Answer: A fractional CFO works part-time or on a temporary basis, offering strategic financial guidance without the full-time commitment. A virtual CFO does similar work but operates remotely, providing financial expertise through online communication. Both offer cost-effective financial leadership tailored to your business’s needs.

Question: Who needs virtual CFO?

Answer: A virtual CFO is ideal for:

  1. Small to Medium Businesses: They benefit from strategic financial expertise without the expense of a full-time CFO.
  2. Startups: They get financial guidance to help scale the business and attract investors.
  3. Growing Businesses: Companies expanding rapidly need strategic financial advice to manage growth.
  4. Nonprofits: They require financial oversight and compliance support.
  5. Businesses in Transition: Companies undergoing mergers, acquisitions, or restructuring need expert financial advice.

A virtual CFO provides flexible, expert financial guidance tailored to your business’s needs.

Question: What does a virtual CFO do?

Answer: A virtual CFO provides strategic financial guidance and support, like a traditional CFO but remotely and on a flexible schedule. They help businesses with:

  1. Financial Strategy: Crafting long-term financial plans to guide growth.
  2. Budgeting and Forecasting: Creating realistic budgets and projections to keep finances on track.
  3. Cash Flow Management: Ensuring you have enough cash to meet your business needs.
  4. Financial Reporting: Providing detailed financial reports for better decision-making.
  5. Risk Management: Identifying and mitigating financial risks to protect your business.

A virtual CFO brings the expertise you need to make smarter financial decisions and drive your business forward.